Clinical examination by specialist

Examination by clinical specialist (1 specialisation) only, without employing any laboratory or complementary methods

360 EUR

Complete immunological examination

Clinical examination by immunologist, spirometry, laboratory analysis.

990 EUR

Complete rheumatological examination

Clinical examination by rheumatologist, laboratory analysis, possibly also X-rays.

990 EUR

Fatigue syndrome examination including laboratory tests of chronic infections

Clinical examination by immunologist and neurologist, complete laboratory analysis, microbiologic and virologic analysis.

1790 EUR

Complete allergological examination

Clinical examination by allergologist, spirometry, allergologic laboratory analysis.

990 EUR

Complete ophtalmological examination

Clinical examination by ophthalmologist, check-up of the eye background and possibly also the perimeter or intraocular pressure.

360 EUR

Complete all-inclusive neurologic examination

Clinical examination by neurologist, laboratory check-up, sonography of arteries supplying the brain.

790 EUR

Complete all-inclusive cardiologic examination

Clinical examination by cardiologist, laboratory check-up focusing on cardiovascular system, electrocardiogram, echocardiography.

790 EUR

Complete otorhinolaryngology examination including endoscopy

Clinical examination by otorhinolaryngology specialist, nose and mouth endoscopy.

790 EUR

Complete all-inclusive orthopaedic examination

Clinical examination by orthopaedist, X-rays, ultrasound check-up of joints and attachments.

790 EUR

VIP examination focusing on cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of affluence

Clinical examination by internist, complete laboratory diagnostic panel including tumour markers and civilisation diseases screening, echocardiography, sonography of abdomen and lesser pelvis, possibly also X-rays.

2490 EUR



Magnetic resonance 1 area within VIP term of 2 weeks

1 area = brain, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, pelvis, abdomen, thorax, MR angiography, joints

990 EUR

Magnetic resonance within standard term of 2-4 weeks

1 area = brain, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, pelvis, abdomen, thorax, MR angiography, joints

750 EUR

CT (computed tomography) 1 area

1 area = brain, 3 vertebrae, pelvis, abdomen, thorax

390 EUR

Ultrasound examination 1 area

Clinical examination by immunologist and neurologist, complete laboratory analysis, microbiologic and virologic analysis

190 EUR

Positron emission tomography (PET, PET-CT) for patients with diagnosed malignancy in their medical history

Clinical examination by allergologist, spirometry, allergologic laboratory analysis

upon request

Diagnostic gastroscopy – according to specific demands

Clinical examination by ophthalmologist, check-up of the eye background and possibly also the perimeter or intraocular pressure.

300 - 400 EUR


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