Effective treatment of obesity type 2 diabetes? According to a new study, ICEM recommends only two meals a day!
ICEM experts more than 6 months investigated whether eating twice or six times a day is better. They came up with a revolutionary findings - revealed the great breakfast and lunch may be more beneficial in type 2 diabetics than six smaller meals during the day. Message in a short time spread rapidly around the world. Doctors monitored over 24 weeks a total of 54 diabetics aged 30-70 years who were divided in two groups of 27. One group started eating regularly six times a day, the other only twice, and after 12 weeks, patients switched from both groups on the second. All consumed the same number of calories a day, just differently distributed. Rich breakfast and lunch had more positive effect on body weight, fat content in the liver, blood glucose levels, insulin sensitivity and other factors than diet divided into six smaller meals.